Ready for today's lesson? Let's start!
(¿Preparados para la clase de hoy? ¡Vamos!)
Follow these steps:
1) First of all, we are going to CHECK HOMEWORK. Get a red pen!
(Vamos a corregir deberes. Coge un boli rojo.. y allá vamos)
A) Check the activities on page 49 of your workbook. Be responsible: if one of your answer is wrong, write the correct one in red.
Click HERE to get the answers.
(Abre el workbook en la página 49. Corrige con responsabilidad: cuando una respuesta la tengas mal, escribe la respuesta correcta en rojo. Eso te ayudará a aprender.
AQUÍ tienes las respuestas.
B) Open your notebook and find the activities on the Reading comprenhension on page 76 of your book.
Click HERE to get the answers
(Vamos a corregir ahora las actividades de Reading Comprehension de la página 76 del libro. Busca la actividades en tu cuaderno.)
AQUÍ tienes las respuestas
2) Open your book at page 75. We are going to do activity 8 . You have to use: (not) as....as. Read the instructions carefully and write the answers in your notebook.
Vamos ahora a hacer la actividad 8 de la página 75 del libro. Vamos a usar: (not) as.....as. Lee las instrucciones atentamente y escribe las respuestas en tu cuaderno.
Click HERE to get the answers. (AQUÍ están las respuestas)
3) A LITTLE BIT OF GRAMMAR: THE SUPERLATIVE. Watch this video and take notes in your notebook.
( A LITTLE BIT OF GRAMMAR: Vamos a ver cómo se forma el superltivo. Escucha el video atentamente y toma apuntes en tu cuaderno.)
4) Now, do the activity below in your notebook. (Haz ahora la actividad de abajo en tu cuarderno)
For example:
1-What is …………………………………….. (heavy) book in your bag?
What is the heaviest book in your bag?
- The history book is the heaviest book in my bag.
2-What is ......................................(difficult)
subject at school?
What is the most
difficult subject at school?
- Maths is the most
difficult subject at school.
3-Who is
..................................... (tall) person in your class? ......
4- Which is
.................................(hot) season of the year? .........
5- What is
.......................................(popular) monument in your city? .........
6- Which is
.....................................(good) day of the week? ........
7- Who is
.......................................(lazy) person in your family?
8- Which is
....................................... (small) planet in our solar system? ..........
9- Who is ..........................................(talkative)
person in your class? .............
10- What is
...................................... (far) country from Spain? .................
That's all for today. I'll get back to you tomorrow. (Hasta mañana)
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