I hope you're fresh and rested after the weekend and ready for a new week! Let's start:
(Espero que todos estéis preparados tras el descanso del fin de semana para trabajar)
Follow these steps:
1) Let's check your homework. (Vamos, primero, corregir deberes):
A) Open your notebook and find the activities from page 78 of your book. Get a red pen and check!
(Vamos a corregir las actividades de la página 78 de tu libro. Busca la actividades en tu cuaderno.Coge un boli rojo y corrige)
Click HERE to get the answers. (AQUÍ tienes las respuestas)
B) Now, let's check the LISTENING activity about BATS. (Corrijamos ahora la actividad de listening acerca de los murciélogos)
Click HERE to get the answers and the script. (AQUÍ tienes las respuestas y el texto del audio)
C) Check the activities on PAGE 50 of your WORKBOOK. (Vamos a corregir las actividades de la página 50 de tu workbook)
Watch the video to get the answers: Click HERE.
En este video tienes las respuestas. Pulsa AQUÍ
2) Today, you're going to do an ORAL ACTIVITY. Follow these steps carefully:
(Vamos a hacer hoy una actividad oral. Sigue estos pasos atentamente)
A- Open your book at page 79 and do activity 10 in your notebook. Write the questions and the answers. Some questions have more than one answer.
(Haz la actividad 10 de la página 79 en tu cuaderno. Copia las preguntas (1-5) y las posibles respuestas para cada pregunta (a-h)
Click HERE to get the answers and some more vocabulary about animals.
(AQUÍ tienes las respuestas y más vocabulario acerca de animales)
B- You can watch this power-point to find some more vocabulary about animal parts:
C- Choose an animal from your lists and answer the questions below about the animal.
(Elige un animal y contesta a las preguntas de abajo acerca de este animal)
1-What type of animal is it?
Is it a mammal? Is it a reptile? Is it a
bird? etc..
2-How big is it? How heavy is it? How tall is it?
comparatives or/and superlatives in your answers)
3-What does it look like?
(What colour is it?/ Is it ordinary/ unusual? Has it got fur? / Has
it got feathers? Has it got spots? Has
it got tusks? Can it fly?) Use
the new vocabulary
4- Where does it live?
(Does it live on land? Does it live in the
sea? Does it live in the jungle/in the
savannah? Is it wild? Is it domesticated?)
5- What does it eat?
Is it a carnivorous animal? Is it a
herbivorous animal? Is it an
D- Record your voice in your mobilie phone talking about the animal you have chosen. Use your answers to talk about the animal.
(Graba tu voz en tu móvil hablando del animal que has elegido. Usa las respuestas para dar información acerca del animal)
Send the recording to my email. (Envía la grabación a mi correo)
That's all for now! I'll get back to you tomorrow!
(¡Hasta mañana)
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