martes, 12 de mayo de 2020


Good morning,

It's time for a new interesting lesson today!

Let's follow these steps: 

1) CHECK HOMEWORK: Open your notebook and find the reading comprehension activities you did yesterday. Get a red pen and check. 
(Vamos a corregir deberes. Abre tu cuaderno y busca las actividades de comprensión lectora que hiciste ayer. Sé responsable, corrige con boli rojo)
                   Click HERE to get the answers.

2) A little bit of grammar:  WAS / WERE. Have a look at the past of the verb to be: 
(Vamos a ver el pasado del verbo: TO BE. Vamos a ver cómo se dice en inglés: era/ estaba/ eras/ estabas/ eramos/ estábamos/ eran/ estaban/ fui/ estuve/fuiste/ estuviste/fue/ estuvo/  fuimos/ estuvimos/ fueron / estuvieron etc... Es muy simple en inglés, sólo usamos: el sujeto y was/ were)

Copy this chart in your notebook (Copia este cuadro en tu cuaderno)
3) Click HERE if you need extra  help with a video
    (Pulsa AQUÍ si necesitas una explicación extra con un video)

4) Write down these questions in your notebook and answer them with information about you.
(Vamos a practicar con WAS/WERE. Copia estas preguntas en tu cuaderno y contéstalas acerca de tí)

Answer these questions about you. Write complete sentences in your answers:
1- When were you born? (= to be born: nacer)
2- Where was your mother born?
    My mother..............................................................................................
3- What was your favourite subject in primary school? 
     ................... ............................................................................................
4- Who was your favourite teacher in primary school?
5- Were you asleep yesterday at 10pm?
6- Were you at the beach last summer?
7- Were your friends at school yesterday ?
8- Where were you at 6.00 yesterday afternoon?

5) Now, open your workbook and do activities 1 and 2 on page 58. 
  (Ahora, haz las actividades 1 y 2 de la página 58 de tu workbook)

Take a photo of the questions in your notebook, and the activities in your workbook and send them to my email.
(Haz una foto de las preguntas en tu cuaderno, y de las actividades del workbook y mándalas a mi email)

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